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Name | Age | Education | Village Name |
Santhos sahu | 33 years | 10th pass | Torla |
Santhos Sahu he is born at torla village and living with joint family .he is so many times gone to Raipur for treatment .but he had not cured for paralysis leg problems. In the programme Community eye health server find out .Now he is able to move in the village only .before 2 years ago he uable to move any where only supports hand he walking her and there. In the help of field worker he is able to her daily living skills and Orientation information getting.
Sathos Sahu family income is agriculture .and he is doing tailoring work in house for the livelihood .In the support of CBR fieldworker he knowing about social, economic rehabilitation and other facilities from different government institutions. In the help of filed worker certification was done so that he is very interested to working for the disabled person .now he is organized with field worker SAGs meeting village level and cluster level .
Every SAGs meeting he is giving all types of facilities from govt and other resources which is very essential for the disabled person. He is motivating for the certification and Assistance devices. Every month he is going with 3-5 disabled person fior the certification.