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This organization was established in the year 1989 by the community experienced, intellectual personnel and volunteers of the Gariaband block of Raipur district to fulfill the social needs of the human beings. They developed the innovative strategies for changing the intellectual knowledge of the SC. ST. & OBCs and other downtrodden people (Basically stressed the priorities on women) and to aware them about their fundamental rights, duties, laws and acts granted by the constitution of India and make them understand how to utilize this for the protection of their rights and care of the environment for their self-reliance.
This organization was established in the year 1989 by the community experienced, intellectual personnel and volunteers of the Gariaband block of Raipur district to fulfill the social needs of the human beings. They developed the innovative strategies for changing the intellectual knowledge of the SC. ST. & OBCs and other downtrodden people (Basically stressed the priorities on women) and to aware them about their fundamental rights, duties, laws and acts granted by the constitution of India and make them understand how to utilize this for the protection of their rights and care of the environment for their self-reliance.
Since the inception of the organization lots of changes has been incurred in the area of socio economic condition of the deprived and under privileged section has been achieved. In the initial stage through integrated rural development program lots of positive changes has brought in the life of rural poor. Under IRDP different programme like group formation, SHG promotion, Capacity building, Training of leaders, PRI, documentation etc were promoted. Besides this income generation activities, Promotion of NTFP, Advocacy, Agriculture development etc were given importance.
Since 2003 with support of the sight savers international through community based rehabilitation program promotion, prevention, curative, rehabilitation, and education etc were promoted. From the year 2004 with the support of the SIVAMI the reproductive child health was promoted. But gradually the prime attention was given on the field of disability.