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Community Based Rehabilitation (Case History - 5)

Name Father Name Age Education Village Name
Ganeshram Tiwari Bhagwat Tiwari 56 years, Male 8th Abhanpur

Ganeshram Tiwari was born on 1971 at ulba (Abhanpur ) and is living with his sister. His parents have died before 20 years ago. He was identified during the survey carried out by the staffs of PRERAK under Community Based Rehabilitation program. Operation of his eyes had been undertaken in the year 1985 by the eye specialist but was not successful and he lost his eyes. After that he became dependent and started to lead his life with the mercy and help of his sister at Abhanpur.

CBR field worker carried out the assessment of the client’s condition, situation and accordingly started work for his social and economic rehabilitation. He was trained on daily living skills, orientation and mobility etc as well as the disability medical certificate was issued to him with the help of the worker. Now he is able to move in the village without the help of anybody freely.